The Children's Earth Foundation


Kommunity In Development Stage ( KIDS)

Goal.  The goal of the KIDS program is to get children who live in our most violent environmentally unfriendly communities involved in transforming their community into safe environmentally educated and friendly communities

Conclusion.  We here at CEF know that children who pursue and are involved in the positive social development will be less likely to contribute to the destruction of themselves or their community.


Art and the Environment

Art and the Environment is a program developed to teach youth of the relationship between art and the environment and how they both impact our lives.

Goal. Our goal is to provide positive outlets where youth can express themselves and how they view the environment through art.

Statement of Need. The need for more positive alternatives for our youth especially in the inner city where violence is at epidemic proportions is overwhelming. Therefore, C.E.F. has developed this fun and exciting program where youth get to explore the environment through an artistic approach.

OutcomeYouth who participate in this program will gain a greater appreciation of art and learn the natural art that surrounds them every day in nature thus gaining a greater respect for the environment.

Children’s United Neighborhoods on Environmental Affairs

Children’s United Neighborhoods is a program designed to bring children from around the city under one forum where they can interact, share culture, discuss issues and action plans to the environmental challenges in our communities, and how they can get involved to assist in positive community development.

Goal. The goal for this program is to assemble youth from around the city of different ethnicity to share their different cultures with each other and to get involved in a forum where they can voice their concerns about their community, country and planet as a whole. Moreover, the goal is for the youth to work together, take action and be responsible environmental ambassadors.

Statement of Need. Children that interact with children from different cultures become part of each other’s cultures by sharing. Children that do not get this exposure are likely to be less social with others from different cultures making the gap between cultures widen as oppose to bridging the gap.

Outcome. Youth who participate in this program will learn to interact with youth from different cultures and how to build a society that all children can live in together.

Neighborhood Recycles

The Neighborhood Recycles program is designed to get residents in the community, business owners and the general public more involved in simple conservation measures to preserve natural resources and eliminate pollution beginning right at home.

Goal. Our goal is to lower and eventually eliminate the amount of solid waste being deposited in the landfills, educating the general public on the importance of recycling, reducing and reusing and sharing other techniques that help preserve our environment at the same time keeping our streets (land), air and water free of debris.

We will accomplish our goal by going door to door, schools, churches and local businesses within the community, organizing each block, collecting recyclables, and teaching the proper disposal of house hold hazardous waste. All revenues generated from this program will benefit towards the maintenance and beautification of each blocks landscape both public and private spaces (on request).

Outcome. All who participate in this program will greatly reduce the amount of solid waste deposited in the landfills, help prevent pollution to the environment and help preserve and conserve our natural resources